
Content Management System

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The layout consists of Rows and Layers, configure them the way you want.

A new Content Management System built from the ground up to be safe, secure, and flexible. Fully compatible with PHP version 8.3+

- Version 0.1 beta - Coming Soon -


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Drag and Drop

Blocks, articles, and containers can be repositioned on the homepage anytime. Click on the arrow icon to open the editing window then drag and drop them into their new position.


HomePage comes equipped with sidebars that can house the content block. You can turn them on and off to suit your needs or while making edits and when it comes time to move blocks around within the sidebar, drag and drop the block into its new position. It's quick and easy.

Direct Editing

HomePage lets the administrator browse the entire site and edit content directly without leaving the page you are on. If you see a typo there is no need to go to the dashboard to correct it. Click on the edit icon and edit the content from the editing window. When finished, save it and close the editing window.


If you can dream it, you can build it.




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The articles allow you to post a wide range of content. Just like the blocks, you can post videos, pictures, text, and links to mention a few. You can choose how many articles to show on the Home Page. Other articles outside that limit are accessed through the pagination feature (Articles Settings) located at the top or bottom or both of the center articles (you choose).


Add blocks to the main content body and/or sidebars. Create a unique impression by including content that your visitors can access readily.

When placing blocks in the rows there can be an unlimited number in each row/layer. Shuffle them around or move them to another row at any time without leaving the homepage.


Spectra allows you to build as many pages as you need.  Each page can have sidebars, plugins, videos, and lots more and each page can be different than all of the others.

The powerful page builder is user-friendly and allows you to fully customize each page to suit your needs.

You get to choose if you want to add sidebars to the page and you also get to put any content you want into the sidebars.  Plugins are pre-made but you can choose which ones to display on your new page if any.  And the really good thing is that you can turn any page on or off when making edits.  Come back to the page at any time to make edits.


The powerful theme builder allows you to edit themes and also build new ones.  No more files to edit or upload just open the theme builder and start creating.  Once you become comfortable with the settings you will be able to build a new theme in 5 minutes or less.

Don't like the look of something in your theme, go back and edit it at any time.

Themes are flexible and there is also the option of sharing the themes you make with others. Importing and exporting themes is really easy and only takes a minute.

Downloads Suite

The Downloads Suite provides administrators with the tools to manage their downloadable files. To use this feature, go to the Modules menu and select Downloads Suite. Turn the system on and allow access to your members and if you choose, make it available for other visitors to your website.

Next, you will want to create the pages to house the files. The last step will add the downloads to the database. Upload a .zip or .pdf file and assign it to a page, assign a category, and add a title.


Define the Rows and Layers Separately using Containers

Containers are used to streamline the process of web design. They are extremely flexible and as the saying goes "If you can dream it you can build it."

The admin can activate one row and use one Container to build the entire homepage. Blocks, articles, sniplets, and videos can all be used with a Container.




The Key To Success

Addon Modules provide further enhancement to HomePage. Download and install the ones you need.




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The Power Of The Album
Create your image gallery and show it to the world.




Share Your Travels With Others

Set up the album and create as many galleries as you want within that album.  Use the Media Library to create folders and upload all of your images into those folders.  All configuration settings are stored in a database for ease of updating.  You can add or remove images at any time to a gallery.  Just upload the new image into the folder and it will show automatically in the gallery. 

Features include: (partial list)

-  Perform all tasks inside of the dashboard.

-  Edit images using the Media Library

-  Full range of image editors to resize, crop, rename, your images, and lots more.

-  Add text/image content to each gallery individually

-  The menu, image caption, and image display are all created automatically.

And lots more ...

HomePage CMS, Copyright 2024, Papa Mike's Creations